photo by Vivienne Moss |
The paths we choose to take in life may not always be the easiest but most are the ones we are destined to take. We learn and grow from the mistakes we make and rejoice in those moments that everything falls into place. There are many things I could have done differently in my life but I have no regrets. To regret would mean to not like who I am now and I love who I have turned out to be. If it wasn't for the paths I chose to take I wouldn't have my daughters or the friends that are in my life.
My life has been truly blessed. I have family, friends, a great lover and most of all....Life. I wake every morning with a smile and a prayer of thankfulness. There are so many out there or have lost so much or who have had very little to begin with. The homeless, people in war zones (I could not imagine raising a child in a war zone, the many who are out of work and struggling to feed their families.
When I am feeling down and wondering if I have made the right choices in life, I just close my eyes and think of all the wonderful and blissful moments that I have been blessed to experience.
I want to thank all my blogger friends who have wished me well and who have come back to visit my blog. I am very thankful for all of you.
May the paths you walk lead you to an enchanted life.
Blessings, Viv